Thursday, 6 September 2012

Before vs. After

Today I was doing my usual "Charlie is napping" routine (make a coffee, surf the net, maybe go #2) when I visited and noticed an intriguing quote by Pink, the singer, who had her first child, a daughter called Willow, last year. She said, "We have no idea what we did before having Willow."  She must have amnesia.  Is that just one of those things people say because the masses expect it of them?  Here's a reminder for her.
Things We Did Before Kid and Haven’t Really Done Since - MOURNING HeaderThings We Didn’t Do Before Kid - WELCOME HOME
Watched movies (start to finish, in one sitting, usually not rated G)Share our bed with a squirming, kicking, restless leg creature
Went out for dinners (and didn't need a high chair)Go for bike rides
Spent money on ourselvesPlay trains
Slept in (I mean, past 6 am)Roll on the carpet
Had long showers or baths (or if not long, at least had them)Talk to strangers at the grocery store or in any line quite frankly
Took uninterrupted bathroom breaksCut sandwiches into 4 crustless triangles
Read a bookKneel on the floor for 3/4 of the day
Blow dried hair, did makeupHunt for spiders with a "tish-oo"
Read the paperLaugh hysterically when things spill or break
Follow fashion trendsKiss boo boos better
Made elaborate mealsGet tackled with hugs and kisses
Went to bed lateSpot school buses, tractors, lawn mowers, dump trucks, taxi cabs, police cars and fire trucks
Had a conversation during daytime hours without whisperingRead the same book over and over
Listened to loud music loudListen for airplanes, train whistles and sirens
Yelled at each other with abandonRun outside when Canadian Geese are overhead or when the Garbage/ Mail man has arrived
Made up passionatelyfold 9-million pieces of laundry only to have them dumped out and spread around the floor promptly afterward
Got drunkfought to remove a small wet person from a bathtub

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